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Home > Products info > COOLANT FILTERING SYSTEM > Single Coolant System
It can be used for water-soluble coolant filtering of all machine tools.
General grinding, polishing and washing of FC & steel.
When DIRTY COOLANT is induced from machine, sludge and partial ΑφΌ® powder are discharged to sludge box by magnet separator and filtered clean water is sent to the primary clean tank, sent to auto clean again by pump and it is minutely filtered into ΑφΌ® powder and clean water. The clean water completing the secondary filtering is resupplied to machine.
Because auto clean performs the secondary filtering, the degree of filtering is high.
Because auto clean is a cyclone system using centrifugal force, it does not require maintenance.
LEVEL GAUGE, OIL SKIMMER, COOLER, Cutting oil sterilization unit